"The Vietnam War and American Culture", ENLT 275-01
Fall, 1997


PLEASE let me know of any interesting links related to the course that you feel should go here, and I will check them out and put them up.


Here are some good readings that will help you understand the concept of imperialism, how it works, and how important it is to understand it if you are to ever understand what's going on in the world!

(Put up 3 Sep 96)
Here is a series of articles published August 18-20, 1996, in the San Jose Mercury, concerning the connection between the U.S. Government's war against Nicaragua during the 1980s and the "crack" cocaine epidemic in the US.
Go to:

The San Jose Mercury is a California newspaper that often runs feature articles about Asia and Southeast Asia, and on Vietnam specifically.


Here are a few links related to our discussion about "Nike in Indonesia", the search for cheap labor, and economic imperialism, or "neo-imperialism":

Don't forget to email me with questions and comments. I only check my email once or twice a day, so you should not have to wait more than 24 hours for an answer, and usually much less! / / last modified 15 Sep 98