Software We'll Need For This Course

A. Where to get the clients?

B. How to use WS_FTP?

C. FTP'ing with Internet Explorer or Netscape (web browsers)

NOTE: If your computer has a Firewall installed, you will have to disable the Firewall to use FTP. You can turn it back on when you have finished downloading the articles you want.

A. Where To Get The Clients (= programs for your computer)

1. Get here. This is an FTP Client. "Client" means it runs on your PC, and connects to a "Server." "FTP" means "file transfer protocol." This was the hottest thing on the Internet until the Worldwide Web came along, about 1995.

NOTE: If "left-clicking" (the regular way to "click") causes some strange program to be invoked, you have not set the "associations" correctly in your Web browser. Don't worry! Just "right-click" instead, and "Save Link Target As..." or "Save Target As..." in the directory you want. (NOTE: not "Save Page As...". You don't want the whole page, just the program's zip file...).

2. You will need an "unzipping" program like WinZip to unzip it. Once unzipped to a directory of your choice, run the install program.

(I could show you, but -- get a friend to show you how. A LOT of people know how to do this. You can also figure it out for yourself.)

You can download Winzip here. It's legal -- MSU has a licence for student and faculty use.

You can also download a different version of WS_FTP at this same page. Try it -- I haven't tried it, so I'm not 100% sure it will work on my office computer (probably 90% sure it will). I have tried the one above.

3. You should also download the Adobe Acrobat Reader program from this same page. You'll need it to read articles in .PDF format. A lot of articles come in that format, so get it now. However, check your computer first -- you may already have it, without knowing it (it often comes with new computers).

4. To configure your FTP client for connecting with my office computer, do this:

Now we'll now have a "drop box" to which we can up- and download articles. No need for everybody to get everything on their own!

There is another reason to have this "drop box" (really, a directory only we in this class can up- and download to). It keeps the materials off the Worldwide Web. Web search engines can't find them. That means that it's legal to share copyrighted materials this way, since we are not making them generally available. Copyright allows anyone to make one copy of any copyrighted material for their own personal use.

B. How To Use WS_FTP

NOTE: If your computer has a Firewall installed, you will have to disable the Firewall to use FTP. You can turn it back on when you have finished downloading the articles you want.

(Note: I took these directions from this page, which may 'expire').

How do I FTP to get documents? (using Ws_FTP)

1. Click on the Start Button.
2. Click on Programs.
3. Click on the WS_FTP folder.
4. Click on WS_FTP application.
5. The application will launch and the Session Properties window will appear.
6. Click in the Host Name/Address: box. Type in

[NOTE: For "Host Type" remember: use "Serv-U", "Unix Standard", or "Automatic Detect"]

7. Click in the User_ID box. Type in your login.
8. Click on the Password box. Type in your password.
9  Click OK.
10. The computer will now connect to the server. The screen below will appear.
11. You will now see the screen above. Please remember the Local System section represents the files on your hard drive or computer disk. Files
in the Remote System are stored on my computer.
12. It is now time to locate the files you want to upload. On the left side of the WS_FTP screen, under Local System, click the ChgDir (Change
Directory) button.

NOTE: ALWAYS DOWNLOAD FILES AS "BINARY". Use the radio buttons in the center, beneath the file directories.
13. The Input window will appear. Type in the directory that the file you want to upload is located.
14. Scroll through the list of files until you locate the file you want to upload. Click on the file you wish to upload.
15. To move the file to the Remote System, click the arrow pointing to the right side of the screen.
16. The Transfer Status screen will appear. This screen usually flashes on and off the screen before you can see it.
17. Your file is now transferred to the remote system. Your page will be updated.

C. FTP'ing with your Web Browser (Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator)

Using either IE or Netscape, go to the "File" pulldown menu. Enter the following line into the 'Address' window (where the URL usually goes).


For example (this will not work -- JUST an example):

where the UserID (sometimes called 'login') is "mike303" and the Password is "z4H_#2G"

In other words,:

"at" sign
Host address

Once you are connected,

This works! For me, from home, NOT on the MSU-ISP. So, it should work for you.

NOTE: I've actually had more consistent luck using the login + host address only, like this:


This brings up the password box, which you then type in separate.

For some reason, this seems to work more consistently for me. Try it, if you have problems with the ftp://username:password@host formula above.

The FTP client is still the better way to go, IMO. If you can use the FTP client, do it! I've already had one student (from another class) email me back to tell me that. But, if you have trouble with the FTP client, this may be "easier." | | last updated 16 Sept 03