(GF MLA handout 01.04.11.doc)

Handout for Grover Furr’s Presentation

"What the cutbacks are and what actions we must take to fight them"

Session 22. Class Dismissed: Economic Policies, the Academic Workforce, and Student Access to Higher Education
12:00 noon–1:15 p.m., 406A, LA Convention Center

This talk: http://chss.montclair.edu/english/furr/pol/cutbackstalk0111.html
This handout: http://chss.montclair.edu/english/furr/pol/cutbackshandout0111.html

Late-Breaking Reality Check:

"Ultimately, he [Governor-elect Sandoval] says, cutting the system's fiscal and regulatory ties to the state creates the possibility of severing the relationship between Nevada and its public colleges entirely." - "Colleges to Confront Deep Cutbacks". – CHE January 2 2011 - http://chronicle.com/article/Colleges-to-Confront-Deep/125782

Basic fact: the absolute inverse relationship between labor costs and profit:

profitnlabor.jpg (71341 bytes)

(For more detail see The Inverse Relationship Between Profit and Labor Costs In Any Enterprise )

Further Reading:

A few things for further reading, self-education, and – vital – educating our students and colleagues:

More articles by Grover Furr on related topics:

"Academic Repression in the First Person: Lies, Damn Lies, and David Horowitz." The Advocate (CUNY Graduate Center) November 2006.

"United Front in U.S. Labor Struggles." The Montclarion October 19, 2006 p. 23.

"Oppose the Flat Tax" (Letter to the Editor) The Montclarion September 29 2005.

"What Can We Learn from the Teens? Protest, Rebellion, Commitment: Then and Now". Counterpunch April 26 2004.

"Vietnam to Yugoslavia: What I Learned." April 1999. Opencopy

"Corporate Ideology and Literary Criticism: How the New Right Pushes the Ideology of Exploitation in the Field of Literary Studies and What To Do About It". NST: Nature, Society, and Thought Vol. 9, No. 3 (1998), 311-325.